Monday, August 28, 2017

landscape and place: reagan, tyler, janiyen

Landscape: A part of the Earth's surface with visible and physical features of the land that captures the aesthetic appeal of the pf the ;and while capturing the raw representation of the culture or nature of the scene
Place: A particular point in space that perceptually graspable while being designated for a specific use, or holding a sense of personalized attachment.

Landscape and Place : Bentli Burgon - Mcklayne Moss - Jessica Mason

Landscape is a location that can be seen in a single view. Landscape is defined mostly by its aesthetic appeal.

A location that appeals more to emotion and feeling. Place is more of a sense of existence rather then an observable view. Place is also reminiscent. 

Landscape and Place- Jordyn, Shaylee, Yuki

Landscape: the aesthetic appeal that gives meaning to the visible features of an unending, microscopic or vast scene.

Place: an artificial or natural focal point in a portion of space that gives meaning and illustrates identity and character.

Landscape and Place Definition: Aften, Keli, Jessica

Landscape is spaces within the world from vast to microscopic. Its purpose is to tell a story, show more than is expected, share feelings of the moment, and remind people of the beauty of the world. It is not things in their ordinary state. Most of the time it is waiting for the extraordinary.

Place photography is about defining the connection a location has with those who experience it.