Monday, September 11, 2017

Jessica Carbine
Landscape Photography
Planned Photo expedition plan
For my planned photograph I want to go to Bridal Veil falls up Provo Canyon Utah at sunrise. My expectation is that if I get there just before sunrise I can set up and catch some pictures of the waterfall during the sunrise. If I remember the angle of the canyon correctly the sunrise should turn the water a perfect gold color so it looks like a kind of fire falls.
What I’ll need
Equipment see photo packing list
Time and Travel: I’ll have to leave and be back for work at 10:30, it takes 40 minutes to drive to Bridal Veil falls and the sunrise starts at 6:30ish so if I leave by 5:30, I’ll get to trail head a little after 6:00 and the trail is barely a mile so I should reach the falls by 6:30. The sunrise peak is 7:00 and then it starts to wayne by 7:30 and it's over by 8:00.

What actually happened

First off I miss judged the angel of the canyon to the sunrise which means it was very dark so all the pictures had to be taken at a wide aperture and low shutter speed. Ideally I would have scouted out the area and planned my photos more but since I had work all I had time to do was take the pictures early in the morning without any prior scout work. For half the pictures I had the wrong angle of the waterfall the pictures on the east side of the waterfall weren't bad but I liked the pictures I got on the west side much better the light and over all wind was better and I could have gotten better pictures over there if I had gone over there sooner. I didn’t bring much in the way of rain gear which should have been a no brainer considering the subject matter I had my waterproof jacket so I was dry but an umbrella and camera raincoat would have been nice, I also should have brought rain boots! Over all I just should have had a better plan If I had planned I could have made the scouting trips work and then I would have known the positions of everything and I would have brought proper gear. I just honestly thought there would be this magical moment where the sun would turned everything golden and give me amazing pictures, but that didn’t happen and so I made do with what I got.

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