Monday, October 30, 2017

McKlayne Moss Final project proposal

McKlayne Moss- Final project proposal

A deep part of my life and my character is the family farm.  Purchased by my parents nearly thirty years ago, our farm has been constantly changing, and has been a large portion of our passion and our livelihood.  

Our farm, located in and around Orangeville is surrounded by breathtaking and unique landscape of the Castle Valley, with mountains to the West, and desert to the East.  Our small farm is rich vibrant, and industrious, with hay fields, implement and livestock.

My final project proposal is to document our family farm.  As I arrived home this weekend to begin taking some preliminary shots of our farm, I discussed my plans with my dad, and he mentioned how no pictures were taken of his farm he grew up on.  My final project will follow the basic idea of preserving our farm for the future. A more clear thesis to come in the future.

Photographing my farm for my final project is a worthy proposal because it is an excellent example, photographed correctly, of landscape and place because of the reasons mentioned above.  

Thanks so much for your consideration!

Preliminary photographs below.


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