Monday, November 6, 2017

final proj. shoot 2- reagan s

Artist statement (rough draft)

The dark corners of our world are often a mystery. They are overlooked, avoided, and eventually forgotten. My goal with this body of work is to illuminate parts of certain places of our world that are often covered in shadow and darkness. I shot the places I thought most people would have these assumptions of, like alleyways and tunnels. I wanted to expose just enough of the sites to give context, but also keep the shadows that make the rest of the place remain a mystery to the viewer. The shadows juxtaposed with the beam of light create a kind of dramatic reveal of the site. The stark lighting also functions to create a contrasting atmosphere of danger and darkness, but also light and understanding of what’s really there. The understanding that I want the viewer to come to is that these places when actually looked at, and not kept in the darkness can be more interesting than they might have originally thought.

test shots and locations:  

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