Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Final Project Proposal: Yuki Miyazawa

Final Project Proposal
I have a couple ideas of what to move forward with for the final project. My first idea was to do a type of landscape installations using a large mirror or a variety of different mirrors, a different one each image, where the final image would essentially have two landscapes visible. The one of the immediate landscape, and what could potentially be the landscape behind you as the viewer. That second image would be portrayed by the mirror. I find this idea fascinating and a great way to put into visual one of the words of advice one of my high school photography teachers gave; “Don’t forget to look behind you because more often than not, there is something spectacular.”

My second idea is that of using a picture frame instead of mirrors, but the idea behind it being different. My idea with this is to frame those landscapes of time, those places of significance of my life’s journey, or some journey that I have not yet officially decided on. I’m also toying with the idea of either using the same frame throughout the series, or changing up the frame depending on the image and so forth. This second idea is more appealing for me to move forward with at this time for the sake of time and budget, and manpower that I personally possess (real mirrors that I would like to use are quite heavy, and are much more prone to break on me).

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