Thursday, December 7, 2017

Final Book-Jordyn Fail

Designed Privilege
We live in a fast-paced environment going from one place to the next hardly taking time to look up from our phones. Doors are opened and passed through but never really looked at—they are merely an obstacle in our path.

Taking the idea that doors are merely an obstacle I photographed doors that are indeed obstacles--doors that require a prerequisite to pass through it. Sometimes our prerequisites are physical such as not having access and some are more conceptual. It gives us the opportunity to step back and think about how many times we take a door for granted just to get from point A to point B.

The doorway is an entrance to the structure--the beginning. However, we don’t view them that way. We choose the door last even though design and architecture are important when choosing a door. I decided to  include the elements of architecture and design when I selected the doors I photographed to emphasize how much we really take them for granted.

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