Friday, December 8, 2017

Final- Hunter Osmun- If chairs were people

If chairs were people where would they sit? Everything around us, everything we touch, everything we see has personality. When you see an outlet you often see a face, there are movies made about toasters, people don’t give up an old hat because it’s got a spunk that they can’t leave. When you see an object though, a chair for example, can you see the person who has imbued it with these memories. When you see a park bench do you see an old man watching the birds pass as he contemplates his sick wife? When you see a camping chair can you see a son learning to roast marshmallows or whittling with a knife? When you see an office chair do you envision a father working well into the night for his family? As individuals we need to be able to see and understand these unspoken stories. I invite you to look, to see who is sitting on the chair for you. I invite you to delve into a reality, where chairs are people.

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