Thursday, December 8, 2022

Final Project - Jarek Miller

Dialing up the Positivity of Self-Love

Jarek Miller

Dialing up the Positivity of Self-Love demonstrates that life is an adventure of dialing the ups and downs that can affect you depending on your decisions. Jarek Miller personally approached the idea of life as a dialing adventure by emphasizing the importance of self-love and positivity through the images of his iPhone that made his day better whether he was going through a rough day or a period of self-esteem issues. Jarek hopes his cohesive collection of self-love images will inspire others to understand the life-long message that you are never truly alone, and are always surrounded by your loved ones, and memories that make you the distinctive and unique person you are today. 

Jarek's cohesive body of work revolves around the memories from his iPhone that represent how special he is in everyone's daily lives and how they've helped him be happier as a result. Each of his photographs presents a dear memory of his that includes his fun hangouts at the hot tub at Park Place Apartments and his high school graduation in 2020 which was uplifting to him during the hardships of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the weddings that he appreciated every moment in 2022, and appreciating the amazing family and friends he has. He was inspired to place his iPhone memories in a suburban area where he grew up for seventeen years in Colorado. He's currently living in the beautiful town of Ephriam, Utah. He utilized his own understanding of artistic consistency by placing his iPhone in front of his parents' suburban plants in Saratoga Springs, Utah to demonstrate how the beauty of nature can lift up the memories of self-love into a new improvement of yourself. 

Jarek's project of self-love was mainly inspired by the artistic influence of Daniel W. Coburn. Daniel focuses on the exciting extensions of how the beauties and mysteries of the natural world would connect to him as the person he is today. Jarek believes that his collection relates to Daniel because Jarek believes that no matter how hard life can be sometimes, it doesn't mean that you should be hard on yourself and force yourself to become someone you are not. Instead, Jarek believes that everyone should always stay true to themselves and let the fun memories and appreciation for their loved ones to guide you to enjoy and live life to the fullest. 

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