Monday, December 12, 2022

Final Project - McKenzie Sacks

Lead Me Home
McKenzie Sacks

Lead Me Home explores the ideas behind road signs and their intimate connection to their surroundings while considering semiotics and sense of place. 

Road signs are meant to provide information about dangers, traffic laws, and directions. They are an important aspect of orientating where you are and what that means. They safely take you where you are meant to go. There is considerable thought put into the design and functionality of signs. These pictures are edited with significant amounts of background color removed to accentuate this idea. 

As a college student, I often feel as if I have two homes. The place I grew up and the place I live now. Driving between these two lives, I consider the roads taken and the signs that have aided my journey. These pictures are intended for you to contemplate where you are headed and what might lead you there.

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