Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Final Project - Julia Fullmer

The Flow of Water

Julia Fullmer

In this series, Julia photographs rivers and how they connect to emotions and energy. Water

is one of the most important things for survival but it also carries the currents of many

meanings. While rivers can be calm and relaxing, they can also be turbulent and dangerous,

much like emotions.

While all the rivers and streams that have been photographed in this series are calm and

relaxing, somewhere in their path, they may be treacherous. Not everywhere in life is calm but

those moments of turmoil can help people to appreciate those calm moments. Some of these

rivers have things blocking their flow. Even though water can still get through those blocks, it

is not as smooth as it could be if the way was completely clear.

This is the same as how emotions can block energy. Chakras are often thought of as wheels of

energy inside one’s body that should be aligned and stay open. These chakras can become

blocked and cause problems both physically and emotionally. Blocked chakras can cause

headaches, digestive issues, feelings of loneliness, and can cause feelings of insecurity. The

energy inside one’s body can still flow, but it is not as free as it could be. Blocked energy

inside someone can affect one's relationships, thought patterns, and behaviors. Even though

energy can be blocked it can also become unblocked, it just takes some time and effort on one’s

part, then the way is clear to flow smoothly like a calm river.

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